The Champion of Champions draw to take place on Wednesday, December 8th
© Scott Martinez
© Scott Martinez

The field is set for the Champion of Champions, Draw To Take Place On Wednesday
LOS ALAMITOS, CA—DECEMBER 6, 2021—The field is set for the Champion of Champions. The Champion of Champions draw to take place on Wednesday, December 8th and will be aired live on TVG at 3 pm (Pacific).
Here is how the field shapes up:
- There is a trio of three-year-olds: Candy Blood, Flash Bak and Reason To Fly MV. There is a quartet of four-year-olds: Circle City, Nomadic, Really First Down and You Can Run. There are three five-year-olds: Apollitical Pence, Cat Daddys Lil Girl and Powerful Favorite.
- There are nine geldings and two females in the race. Reason To Fly MV is a 3-year-old filly and Cat Daddys Lil Girl is an aged mare.
- Favorite Cartel is the sire of four horses in the Champion of Champions in Circle City, Powerful Favorite, Nomadic and You Can Run. Other sires represented are Apollitical Jess (Apollitical Pence), Apollitical Blood (Candy Blood), Bid Daddy Cartel (Cat Daddys Lil Girl), Moonin The Eagle (Flash Bak), First Down Dash (Really First Down) and Good Reason SA (Reason To Fly MV). Apollitical Jess, First Down Dash and Good Reason SA are all past winners of the Champion of Champions winners.
- Corona Cartel is the broodmare sire of Circle City, Nomadic, Powerful Favorite and Really First Down. Tres Seis is the broodmare sire of Apollitical Pence, who won the Champion of Champions last year. Other broodmare sires in this race are Walk Thru Fire (You Can Run), Separatist (Reason To Fly MV), Wave Carver (Candy Blood), Check Him Out (Checknbac) and Man On The Move (Cat Daddys Lil Girl). Wave Carver won the Champion of Champions in 2006.
- The 10 horses in the Champion of Champions field were bred in four states: California (Circle City, Nomadic, Powerful Favorite, Reason To Fly MV and You Can Run); Oklahoma (Apollitical Pence, Candy Blood and Really First Down); New Mexico (Cat Daddys Lil Girl); and Missouri (Flash Bak).
- There are two millionaires in this race in Apollitical Pence ($1,148,451) and Powerful Favorite ($1,065,097). Flash Bak could become a millionaire with a win in the Champion of Champions. He enters the race with $946,015 in earnings. The winner will earn $300,000.
- Ed Allred, Dr. Steve Burns and Dunn Ranch have both bred multiple runners in this year’s Champion of Champions. Allred bred the full-brothers Nomadic and Circle City, while Burns bred you Can Run and is the co-breeder of Powerful Favorite. Dunn Ranch Ranch bred Really First Down is the co-breeder of Apollitical Pence.
- There are 7 horses who are already Grade I winners. Apollitical Pence, Cat Daddys Lil Girl, Circle City, Flash Bak, Powerful Favorite, Reason To Fly MV and You Can Run. They have combined to win a total of 13 Grade I races (restricted Grade 1s included). Powerful Favorite (4), Cat Daddys Lil Girl (2), Circle City (2), Flash Bak (2), Apollitical Pence (1), Reason To Fly MV (1) and You Can Run (1).
- There will be two horses who have already won Grade 1 races at 440 yards: Apollitical Pence in last year’s Champion of Champions and Powerful Favorite in this year’s Robert Boniface Los Alamitos Invitational Championship.
- There will be two horses in the Champion of Champions that have never raced at 440 yards: Cat Daddys Lil Girl and Reason To Fly MV.
- This will be the first appearance in the Champion of Champions for eight of the 10 horses in the field. There have only been two runnings in which every one of the Champion of Champions participants were debuting (1972 and 2015). Apollitical Pence and Powerful Favorite both started in the race last year. Powerful Favorite led at the midway point before Apollitical Pence unleashed his winning move from post six.
- • Thirty times since the race’s first running in 1972 the winner has been named that year’s World Champion by the AQHA. The last one to do is He Looks Hot in 2019.
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